Die Durchführung ist gem. § 13 der Covid-19-Schutzmaßnahmenverordnung möglich.
Es ergeht der eindringliche Appell sich an die Schutzmaßnahmen zu halten (auch in der Ausschreibung angeführt).
COVID-19 tests: Everbody (athletes,coaches and staff) who wants to get an accreditation for the event needs to present a negative COVID–19 testresult (PCR or Rapid AntigenTest), which must not be older than 72 hours before the first race start. The negative test result must be presented when collecting the accreditations. Accreditation for persons with a previously diagnosed COVID19 infection present the PCR COVID-19 positive test result made between 2 weeks and 3 months before the arrival free of COVID-19 symptoms for a minimum of 3 days before arrival.
Contact Information - Event shedule
Angebot "Gästehaus am Lanzenweg" | Coronavirus - so schützen wir uns (Gesundheitsministerium) | Fotos 2020
Startliste 09.01.2021 Damen Herren Ergebnisse 09.01.2021 Damen Herren
Startliste 10.01.2021 Damen Herren Ergebnisse 10.01.2021 Damen Herren